like vintage suitcase, can being a cool decoration in the house |
Modern dining area with retro table and dining chairs. |
Let me tell you, flowers is perfect fresh decor for the house |
the entrance, can park a car in the house. |
Kitchen counter, the old wooden print wallpaper decor the cabinet door. |
like the raw brick wall |
white white white and bright lighting through from the huge window. |
cool stuffs |
clean bathroom |
係網上雜誌到,我無意地睇到一個home case, 有點industrial 但又有home feel的Loft, 大愛!仲有見到架電單車泊入屋內,令我聯想到之前係柴灣工廈的電單車店,店主法國人又是將他的珍貴改裝電單車泊入工廈樓上店內,Display show off之如又可以防止比人偷,多好。
係文章裡面講到,原藉意大利設計師Irene Capriz為一名室內造型師 Interior Stylist, 而她的丈夫 Marcus Foley是建築師。就係他們曾經走進不同的國家,在世界各地搜尋各式各樣的特式擺設,新居的感覺滲有新舊歐陸情懷,隱約透露了屋主對藝術同埋文化的情意結。
All photos by Elle decoration China